Flaxtrade, created by a fourth generation of a family business which originated from Flaxseed Trading, successor of Vanhulle Lijnzaad. Their core business is trading linseed in all kinds of applications including food, feed and industrial use. The linseed is imported from all over the world and thoroughly tested according to many different quality parameters.
All imports and/or exports are executed with the greatest care, in accordance with international quality standards.
- FlaxTrade is unique in its kind thanks to the far-reaching specialization in only one product: LINSEED.
- The result of this specialization in one product makes it is easier to carefully follow up the daily evolution of markets and prices.
- Several generations of trading in this one product, from A to Z, resulted in an extraordinary and vast knowledge of this business.
- Because of the fact that we are a genuine family business, customers can still talk directly to the managing director.
- We aim for a long-term relationship with our suppliers and customers.
- Personal dedication and reliability are our secret ingredients.
FLAX, that is the plant it is all about. Even though Belgium has always had a rich flax history, the variety used for textile is particularly cultivated in our regions. These are plants grown for the fiber and not so much for the seed. Linseed is the variation used for consumption and the linseed we import and export nowadays is mainly imported from Kazakhstan and Russia and in smaller amounts from other countries including the UK, Germany, Sweden, Moldavia and Poland.